- Contact: +91 8971046538
- Email : cambridgepublicschool@yahoo.co.in
- Work Hours : Mon - Fri : 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
Cambridge Public School provides a warm, caring, stimulating and challenging environment in which the students learn and develop. The environment helps in exploring the innate strengths of individual students to enrich their intellectual and physical abilities. Students are mentored to face all situations with courage and self confidence. Cambridge Public School is a world in miniature, where each student receives training for life with effective, meaningful and joyful learning. Cambridge Public School is a centre of progressive and quality education which inspires in capturing the essence of spirit and learning desire of the children. The school is evolving new heights with excellent and quality teachers in training the children in variety of co-curricular activities like cricket, football, volley ball, basketball, drums, guitar, keyboard, dancing, theatre etc. Above all a team of dedicated teachers and administrative staff members are very much attentive in addressing the micro level needs of the students and parents. Thus CPS delivers a value to its commitment.
Education is a lifelong process that continues from womb to tomb. We learn each moment something new not only from books but from people, places and our experience with them. Learning at school must shape the child’s personality mentally, physically and emotionally so sound that they become responsible thinkers and creative problem solvers in the society.
Our efforts at CPS have been to equip the children with knowledge and encourage them to apply the knowledge practically so that their learning is conceptually strong and permanent without resorting to memory based rote learning which is temporary and futile. Emphasis is laid on interdisciplinary learning by drawing connections between the subjects and/or chapters within the same subject so that the child sees the knowledge as a whole not as fragmented packet. We also insist on Project Based Learning (PBL) Children are encouraged to undertake projects, do mini research on the projects assigned. State of the art laboratories of Science, Computers and Mathematics further help in PBL.
Conscious effort is also on to see that the children ‘think’ by providing them creative worksheets in language, math and logic which do not have questions from the text books instead, they contain practical questions based upon the knowledge of their class level. We have also ample provision of latest technology in the form of apps and advanced computers to keep the teachers and students updated with changes taking place around the world.
Qualities such as cleanliness, personal hygiene, cooperation, patriotism, leadership are inculcated through various curricular and co curricular activities including outdoor practical activities.